Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We got the garage in good enough order that we could pull the pickup and suburban in and close the doors. When I stepped back and looked the garage, with closed doors and no vehicles on the pad, an enormous sense of accomplishment swept over me. Amazing what a small task, when finished, can feel like.

The city of RussVegas received a visit from us all today. The goal was to get all our new licenses, insurance, tags, library cards and everything else related to being a good Pope County citizen taken care of, but our sad discovery was that the court house closes at four. We did visit the library, signed up for cards and even checked out a couple of books.

Bible study at Wes and Audrey’s tonight produced several surprises. For one thing, I believe I might have out eaten everyone. Jacinda couldn’t believe her eyes when I emerged with a plate heaped with seconds. I think she was over her surprise by my fourth plate.

The second item was a beautiful answer to prayer which Emily and I saw enacted before our eyes. It might seem like a small thing to someone else, but both of us knew it was the Lord saying, “I did hear you. I AM working on them. All of them. And you, too.”

Lord, I love to seek Thy face

And come before Thee through Thy grace

Because I know Thou hearest me

Outside of time’s mortality.

And each time that I come to Thee

Already Thou hast answered me

The fitting answer that Thy heart

Hast planned before creation’s start.

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