Super Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Other states planned caucuses this year. Arkansas is stuck with the primary pattern—today was Super Tuesday. My first presidential primary. During highschool years I became a frequent visitor to the political website of Representative Ron Paul, from Texas, in search of the perfect evidence for the perfect case. When the campaigning first started I said, “If he’d run, I’d vote for him.” Imagine my delight when he announced his campaign. A Christian should be in subjection to the governing authorities, and the United States constitution is the highest law in the land. Dr. Paul has always taken seriously his vow to uphold and defend the constitution. In spite of gainsayers who insisted that, though the best man, he didn’t have a chance (imagine how different our outcomes might be, should everyone vote principle) I put in my plug for the “best man”. Now, I know I’m no voting veteran, but I do remember tailing Mom into the voting booths in Topeka—behind curtains—and helping pull the lever on the huge, old metal machines. And at the last Kansas election, nearly two years ago I secluded myself behind a small curtained area in the courthouse basement to use the electronic devices which caused the veteran voters to stare suspiciously. This year I sloshed through the rain into a tiny rural fire station, presented my ID and was handed a ballot and directed to a banquet table a couple of feet away. Several other voters soon joined me as we quickly filled in the circle of our choice and slid our ballots through the slot of the counting machine. Privacy? Who needs privacy? This is Arkansas.

Josiah and I headed out in search of the elusive perfect lawnmower, to end our mowing woes. Actually, we found it, in the midst of a torrential downpour that soaked us to the skin. Backing the pick-up into the ditch we drove the new Murray up the tailgate and strapped it in place before handing the previous owner a rather soggy check. Layers of clothing avail very little against a determined wetting, but I’ve never melted yet and hope I never will.

Everyone’s full of the news tonight: bad tornadoes in Atkins, three fatalities, cars strewn across I-40. Is it just me or is there an increasing number of natural disasters? On top of the regular fighting between selfish human beings. Combine this with the likelihood that we could end up with either a Communist woman or a Muslim man in national office—or both—and I’m praying for the Lord’s speedy return. The time seems ripe. Of course, Jesus might remind me that my time is always opportune.

Lord, Thy time is drawing near
I find it offers me no fear
But only rushing, eager longing.
Tarry not while I am calling!

I know it is Thy mercy, Lord,
In longing that men be restored
That makes Thee tarry yet today.
But, Come Lord Jesus, this I pray.


ScribblinScribe said...

On a recent post, I inadvertently left in a piece of private information--just missed in the editing/posting from my journal. My apologies to anyone who might have been shocked or offended to read that on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Hey there Abigail,
Just thought I would stpo by and say Hi,
Blessings to you!
Esther U.