"Get Your Ducks in a Row" is the theme for the annual Kansas SCBWI conference next weekend, and I've finally finished all the brochures, flyers, press releases, advertisements and packets. After a couple of month of ducks dancing across my projects, through my mind and even working themselves into my dreams, it's a relief to be done.
And of course, I take pride in it. I love the way the brochure turned out, and the conference info packets look stupendous! It's a blast thinking up perfect titles for each section--Ducks Unlimited for the Breakout Session, The Mighty Ducks for our faculty and Feeding the Ducks for lunch information.
And the poem I was asked to write for the newsletter turned out better than I'd hoped. "Write about ducks or writing, if you can" the editor suggested. So I wracked my brain and did both! You can judge my success for yourself below.
As soon as the conference is over this weekend, it will be on with other things. Maybe I'll actually get some time to really focus on my own writing and finish at least one book!
The Write Duck
Let me introduce you to
The duck who likes to write
He fails at aviation
And the finer points of flight.
He can’t fly south each winter
To pursue the warmer weather
His tail and wings are pinionless—
His pens were once his feathers!
He fishes like an octopus:
Not only does he sink
The fishes see him coming
In a cloud of purple ink.
His writing habit doesn’t seem
To glorify his looks
But someday you’ll be begging him
To autograph his books!
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